The road ends, but the journey continues...

3 Quotes, 3 Days – the third

“Music is a place” Philip Glass

NASA The Carina Nebula

The Carina Nebula (photo credit: NASA Hubble Heritage Team)

I’ve been nominated by Geralyn of Where My Feet Are to take part in the 3 days, 3 quotes challenge. This is my first ever nomination for anything ‘blog’ related, so I’m tickled pink to participate. Thank you Geralyn!
I thought it appropriate to end the official ‘3 days, 3 quotes’ challenge with this gem from a favorite 20th/21st century composer. Short and to the point, consider it my way of saying: If you visit my site and find I’ve been absent for awhile, you’ll know where I’ve gone!

The rules of the challenge are:
1) Thank the person who nominated you.
2) Post a quote each day for 3 days.
3) Each day nominate 3 new bloggers to take part.
My nominees are:
Liz Fountain
(Hope you can participate but no worries if you can’t)


  1. Liz Fountain

    Philip Glass – great summer music. I still remember the first time I saw Koyaanisqatsi, at the old Neptune Theater in Seattle. Stunning visuals and music together. Thanks for bringing back that beautiful memory!

    • laura bruno lilly

      I’m impressed! Sounds like we bond over 20th-21st century composers as well as goats!
      How’s about John Adams (saw him during performances of his work at a Chautauqua summer series while we lived in CO), Steven Reich, yes John Cage, and the more lyrical/folk based music of Aaron Copeland of course…

  2. Donna

    I think music is a place because it envelopes one. BTW, you can use an image but just make sure the image itself is linked to my blog so when the image is searched on Google, it gets to my blog post. You have to change the URL on the image when you upload it to your site. WP automatically adds your URL. The URL has to be changed. Complicated I know, but I found it extremely necessary. GWGT has more Monarchs coming up if you wait. The t-shirt is for sale. I saw it at our GardenFest.
    Eastern Monarch Butterfly Farm
    5643 Davison Rd, Clarence, NY, 14031, USA.
    Phone: 716-759-8500.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for the info and permissions…will be on the lookout for more of those Monarchs. When I do use a photo, you can be sure it will be URL-ed properly.

  3. L. Marie

    You chose a very appropriate image to go with the quote. I can almost hear the music of the spheres. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Ah, perhaps you have had some music history? The music of the spheres was a philosophical standard by which all ancient music was measured…and definitely in reference to balance/proportion as the cosmos were seen in those days. And of course, it’s still a relevant concept today as we have such access to those same cosmos which inspire (he)artists of all types.
      But I have to admit, the choice of image wasn’t based upon rational thought… 😉

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