The road ends, but the journey continues...

6 for 6

I have to admit, 6 days in a row of posts is taxing! Here it is day six of 6 years on and I still haven’t a clue as to what to do for a Finale. That’s the performer in me, always thinking in terms of set lists, intros, outros and yes…Finales. But the ‘winging it’ aspect seems to suggest completing this self-imposed challenge more along the lines of an improvisational finish.
I’m gonna go with that, then. Here is a Haiku I just now thought up – enjoy and thanks for joining with me in this 6 day bloggoversary celebration!

Courage walks Into.

Holding Onto – Hope. Belief.

Clinging Onto – Love.

laura bruno lilly


  1. Deborah Brasket

    Quite a challenge, but you made it! I am having a hard time blogging once a week now. I can’t imagine once a day!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yeah, and to think there are bloggers who dedicate their day to once-a-day posts on a regular basis.
      Whew. Not for me, only for when I want to do it that way, ya know?
      Take care….thinking of you, Deborah.

  2. Mariss Stevens

    What a grand finale! Courage and Love

    • laura bruno lilly

      Grande Finale…I guess I pulled it off better than I thought, eh?

  3. Mary J Puckett

    Well, finale or not at least you are doing something for your blogoversary. I just passed 6 years too, but just overlooked it! As Melanie says, there aren’t that many of us who have stuck with it!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yep, thus says the ‘Dean of Blogs’ HA!
      Congrats on 6 years, Zippy! My 5th got overlooked, so I totally get it about it slipping past unnoticed. It was fun to do this spontaneous celebration. But 6 in a row blog posts? – ugh – never again!

  4. Roseanne

    Hi Laura! Congrats to six year of blogging, and here’s to six more. {{Hugs}} a bunch. ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Roseanne – hugs backatchya!

  5. Marty

    Great haiku. Now take a bow!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh yes indeed a bow…
      Mille grazie, Marty!

  6. Ally Bean

    Your haiku is perfect. God bless inspiration in the moment and writing goals achieved. Now, time to rest a bit?

    • laura bruno lilly

      You got that right, Ally! Thanks for the kudos.

  7. Jill Weatherholt

    Lovely haiku, Laura. Now rest!

    • laura bruno lilly

      HA! Too true!

  8. Catherine de Seton

    nice completion – and may you continue to blog on – inspiring those of who need it…

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Catherine. Keep on ‘making’!

  9. Laura

    I like the haiku, Laura! I find it encouraging, especially when I have been in a tough season of my life for quite some time now. Many is the time when my hope was barely hanging on…sometimes I didn’t recognize it…I didn’t realize I still had hope living within. I find that it really does take courage to hope and to believe.
    Great finale for your six year blogoversary! 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Hugs to Laura from Laura….
      (ps-seems I’ve misspelled blogoversary?)

  10. Jane Chesebrough

    Well done!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Jane.
      Whew, made it through!

  11. Anne Copeland

    Its lovely, Laura, and you have a wonderful way with words. Very good writing. Thank you so kindly for sharing.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks Anne for the pat on the back.

  12. Janis

    Love your haiku! The beginning reminded me of a joke (“Courage walks into a bar…”) but it ended like a prayer for peace. Excellent finale.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yippee! I made it with a Finale afterall!

  13. L. Marie

    Beautiful haiku, Laura! Be proud of yourself for it and for making it through this six-day challenge. Again, Happy Blogoversary! Here’s to another six years! Woooooo!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Well, you may not remember, but you encouraged me after my 2nd year to continue!!!!!! – or was it 3rd year…been awhile, hasn’t it? 🙂

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