Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening!
We’re back from our jaunt up to Michigan to visit our middle daughter and son-in-law. In fact, we’ve been there and back since Tuesday*.
But wait – I bet you didn’t even know we were away from our COVID cage nest. Surprise!
After some deliberation, we decided it was a reasonable risk worth pursuing – traveling during a narrow window of reduced regional COVID-19 surges and seasonal transitions**.
We packed up the 2003 Jeep Liberty and drove the 14-16 hrs straight through as we always do because we just like to drive. And because we’re all needy about seeing and being with Family.
Armed with my easy-to-reach ‘COVID’ box filled with sanitizer, wipes, paper towels, half can of precious Lysol Spray, all of our cloth masks plus a 5 pack of disposable gloves and the usual travel food box, duffles, pillows, and blanket, we were set to go. In addition, I carefully packed my Bernina, assorted notions, fabric scraps & batting bits and neatly nested all of that in with everything else.
Say what? A sewing machine?
Often when we visit, I pack up Maddy to get a hands-on lesson at Elderly Instruments in Lansing with Neil Woodward but that wasn’t an option this time around due to COVID-19. Instead, I was on a sort of rescue mission – to repair as best as possible the three quilts kitty Jude chewed huge holes into since our last visit.
I’m happy to report that two of those quilts are 100% repaired. The third is ready for handstitching. Michelle is eager to begin repairs once I send her the appropriate fabric in sizes larger than I brought with me.
But of course, this trip was more than the sum of its seams…(groan).

We had a delayed in-house (pun intended) Family ‘hooding’ ceremony*** celebration, with Michelle gliding down the stairs of their 100 yr old home (there’s the punny connection) in full PhD regalia to the recorded traditional tune of ‘Pomp & Circumstance’.
We shared time around the Family table, spitting opinions (okay, too graphic for sure) between bites of fantastic food.
Took long walks, a Sunday Drive and spent plenty of time just ‘being’…
Shelby, Jude and Hubby Michelle and David in front of Capitol, Lansing, MI Playing with lobsters
*We drove off Thursday September 24th and returned on Tuesday September 29th
**Timing is indeed everything as both factors have since dramatically shifted.
***Official University ceremony postponed, now cancelled due to COVID-19.