The road ends, but the journey continues...

Blooms of another sort (Poem)

Blooms of another sort

©2022 Laura Bruno Lilly

I bite into my Sourdough Breakfast toast
                                                                         topped with butter steeped in honey

and sprinkled with sharp
                                              Vietnamese cinnamon.

Its crunchy loudness crashes through the early morning Silence.

Its earthy sweetness
                                     blooms hope
                                                              for the coming day.

Note: for my sourdough recipes, click here; for differences between Vietnamese cinnamon and other types click here.


  1. Cheryl, Gulf Coast Poet

    What a delightful breakfast, Laura! <3 I remember San Fransisco sourdough bread. Wonderful! <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh there is nothing, absolutely nothing that compares with the real deal SF Sourdough.

  2. Khaya Ronkainen

    Oh, what a delicious poem, Laura! I love the brevity of the form and it’s appeal to senses. Thank you for this delight! <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      You are more than welcome, my October Poet.

  3. zippyquilts

    Yum! And I like the idea of hope for the day 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Sundays should always be days of hope!

  4. Jennie

    Delightful blooms woven into wonderful poetry!

  5. That poem made me very hungry…yum!

  6. Andy

    Great start to the day-in every sense.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Andy, and remember the implied cuppa dark roast java…

  7. Janis @

    I wasn’t aware of the differences between cinnamons. I usually just pick up a bottle at the grocery store… silly me. We have a Penzeys Spice store not too far away so I’ll check their varieties out. Yum!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Where you live, you can probably pick up a quality brand in your local supermarket…living in large populated areas has its perks that way!

  8. deborahbrasket

    Sounds delicious! Love the background photo too.

  9. Marty

    Well, how can you go wrong with Vietnamese cinnamon??? Well done!

    • laura bruno lilly

      I knew you’d get it, Marty – I mean you even had a photo of Gorgeous’ supply of it waiting its return to the spice cab during your kitchen reno! HA!

  10. piecefulwendy

    This is a lovely, sensory start to the day, as Mariss said! I can hear it, taste it, smell it – ahhh. Vietnamese cinnamon really is a game changer, isn’t it? Sourdough, too!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yeah, it is – but then I tend towards the more intense side of spices and flavorings!

  11. Laura

    I love to bake as well! My sourdough bread tastes good, but it could use some refinement…I haven’t got the hang of it yet. I believe I shall be doing some perusing of your methods. 🙂

    Love the poem! I think it is time to stop surfing and go for breakfast!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yummmm sounds like a plan!

      • Laura

        I should point out that I am practicing baking sourdough without the added yeast. 🙂

        • laura bruno lilly

          My “True Sourdough Bread” brings about an authentic loaf without using yeast almost 99% of the time. Very reliable, but of course takes more planning and timing to make it happen! Let me know how you come along with your experiments – in your blog or via personal email, ‘K?

          • Laura

            I’ve never fed my starter with milk and sugar; just various types of flour and water. I have company coming, so it will be a while before I can devote some time to this. Also it is 100+ degrees everyday, so I want to wait for a break in the weather. I have your recipe bookmarked. The time doesn’t bother me; I usually take 2 days to make the bread unless I add yeast. 🙂

  12. Jocelyn Thurston

    Lovely, Laura. Thanks for sharing! I think it is apt that a reflection of the evergreen tree tops and sky are showing on my screen as I write this. You would like to see that, I think.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh my, yes, Jocelyn, I would. Enjoy your day and the view!

  13. marissthequilter

    A beautiful, sensory start to the day. Beautifully captured in words

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you my dear Mariss who I miss but am happy you’re doing what you’re doing (enjoying your family)! I didn’t add anything about my dark roast java…but then it’s kind of implied, wouldn’t you agree? 🙂

      • marissthequilter

        Absolutely. I could smell the coffee.
        Thank you for missing my ramblings. I am enchanted doing what I am doing and intend to savour my last week here

        • laura bruno lilly

          Stay in that land of enchantment for as long as you can…

  14. Savoring Sixty and Beyond

    What a delicious way to start your day with your breakfast choice and the lovely poem! Now you’ve got me thinking about this for my own breakfast! Here is to a wonderful day for us all! ?

    • laura bruno lilly

      Well with ‘Savoring’ in your handle I’m not at all surprised! HA! Thanks for stopping by.

  15. L. Marie

    Love your poem!
    I copied your recipes to my recipe file!
    I remember the days of friendship bread when someone would give the starter to me and I kept giving it away.

    • laura bruno lilly

      …And yet friendship bread ‘Mothers’ are not all the same – The Amish ones tend to be more sweet, that I remember that. So glad you’ll be opening up your very own Sourdough Lab sometime in the future. Once Mother get active, she does demand attention!

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