The road ends, but the journey continues...

Happy Okay-Mom’s Day Musing

 “World’s Okayest Mom”

I saw that phrase at a blog I follow – she has the t-shirt and everything – I really related; albeit I’m not in the trenches of hands-on childrearing anymore, it still rings true. At least for me – an older gen Mom. Yeah, I’m a GrandMom, too, but not hands-on due to circumstances way beyond my control (sigh – it is what it is) so that’s why maybe memories of being a younger Mom still resonate loud and clear.  Here’s the poetic part of her blog post (be sure to visit it for the rest of the story)

World’s Okayest Mom, by Angelica Battista Bonin of Comically Quirky 

I am the best mom, and I am the worst mom.

I am amazing, and I am far from exceptional.

I am strong, and I am a total wuss.

I am kind, and I am pure evil.

I am funny, and I am without a trace of humor.

I am your best friend, and I am your worst nightmare.

I know everything, and I know absolutely nothing.

I am not perfect. I am perfectly imperfect.

I am the World’s Okayest Mom.

In essence, she points out it’s way-okay to be ‘just’ okay.
And kudos to her for discovering that gem early on in her own childrearing journey…but I think the last line should be:

And I am loved.

~ Happy Okay-Mom’s Day ~


  1. Jessica

    lol. yes! Thanks for the last line! <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for stopping by, Jessica.
      If not for the last line, then why???!!! 😀

  2. Jane Chesebrough

    I like this. Perfectly imperfect. Real.

    • laura bruno lilly

      you read my mind…

  3. Quirky Girl

    Thanks for sharing! Hope your Mother’s Day was far more than just okay. 😉

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yeah, it was…like I (added to your poem)said: I am loved
      Enjoy these last few weeks of ‘before-summer-vacation’!!!!!

  4. Jayne Bowers

    Thanks for sharing, Laura. I can definitely identify. 🙂

  5. Sylvia

    Thanks so much for sharing this, Laura. I can also relate. Hope you had a very happy Mothers’ Day. xx

    • laura bruno lilly

      yep, had a great day – hope you did too – thanks again for sharing about your mom…

  6. Anna Scott Graham

    Your last line says it all. A very happy Mum’s Day to you!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Anna…happy day for us both…

  7. Patricia Salamone

    Great post, and right on the money. But, in the end, they turn out fine and then comes your joyful grandchildren. Happy Mother’s Day, Laura. ☺☺

    • laura bruno lilly

      Hope your day has been filled with joy, Patricia.

  8. Andy

    I agree with that last line.
    And now-Jen returns the ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ greeting to you!

  9. Alison Reynolds

    This really spoke to me. . .thank you! The pressure to be perfect in this crazy world can be excruciating. I am not. . .and very far from it and, it’s OKAY!! 🙂 Thank you!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yeah, it’s OKAY!

  10. L. Marie

    I agree with you about that last line. Happy Mother’s Day to you, Laura. 🙂 I hope you’ll be properly celebrated. I will not get to see my mom. But I’ll be with my sister-in-law, brother, and niece. 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you!
      Enjoy your family-time, Linda.

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