The road ends, but the journey continues...

Music makes fireworks in your brain!

puffin foundation logoFor some reason, not everyone on my little list or followers of this blog heard my great news so I will make a formal announcement here and nowΒ  –

The Puffin Foundation gave me an extension on my grant!

For that, fireworks are in order – so excuse me while I go and make a few in my brain while you enjoy/learn from this animated video on the merits of making and listening to music.


  1. Jane Chesebrough

    That is a very interesting video. I will have to “make do” with listening for now but applaud you for your dedication, discipline and creativity as well as the extension of the grant. Good work!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for the Kudos, Jane!
      Isn’t it nice to know music tickles the brain no matter the form in which it is enjoyed? Listening, playing, learning etc…

  2. Andy

    I’m not exactly sure what that means, but it sounds cool πŸ™‚ So great news!!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for the congrats…see my response to Terry’s comment about the grant.
      ps-how’s the noveling going?

      • Andy

        Just checked out your other post. It sounds great and I look forward to hearing it. I’m still listening to your Unexpected collection as I write.
        I’m on the second draft. My daughter’s teacher (who is also a playwright), said to me “Oh, I hate that part. All that editing). But for me I find the first draft the most difficult-getting it all down on paper/computer file. Now it’s about putting some meat on the bones πŸ™‚

        • laura bruno lilly

          Thanks for checking out that explanatory post, Andrew.
          I’m thrilled unexpected continues to contribute to your daily word count! And that you’re in a good ‘second draft zone’.

  3. Bob Cloud

    Wish I had even a trace of your talent. The only thing I know how to play is the on/off knob. But even when only listening music is the balm that heals, a jukers bond, and the trumpet’s call to action.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Your talent is/was making music in the sky…

  4. Terry Lewis

    Congratulations on the extension, Laura. What’s the grant for?

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for asking, Terry! It is going towards financing the recording of my Swimming with Swans: the music portion of my Swimming with Swans: vignettes of our three-year journey between homes project. Part of the requirements of the grant is to give a presentation/concert relevant to its content, so that adds to the need for a timeline extension. (extension needed due to my Summer of Dad time) For a brief overview of my Swimming with Swans project – click here

  5. Lisa

    Great to know! I better get back a to some music lessons! Maybe our band boys can help me out!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Sure! Just bribe them with a famous ‘Lisa’ dinner! πŸ™‚

  6. Janis

    What a fascinating video! Makes me wish I had paid more attention in my 7th grade band class. I’ve read that people with dementia can often remember music from their past; I wonder if they’ve done studies to see if those with a musical background might be less susceptible to brain deterioration as they age?

    • laura bruno lilly

      An informal observation of my own family, I’d say brain deterioration is inevitable, but perhaps slowed down. Dad was tooting his instruments up until the last few weeks before he passed away at 93 but was forgetting stuff due to age in general. Some older members of the Denver Mandolin Orchestra (back in the early 2000’s when I was in it) were quite snappy for being in their 80’s, just not too quick on their instrument physically. You’re right though, someone should do a study on that – might make a good PhD topic. πŸ™‚

  7. Anna Scott Graham

    Such great news! Looking forward to checking out that video, as well as trying to catch some live music in my neck of the woods. πŸ˜‰

    • laura bruno lilly

      And your neck of the woods has sooooo many offerings, I’m sooooo envious!

  8. Jo Maxwell

    That was great! Thank you for sharing that! I was an athlete and an athletic family, so I have very little music ability. But I sure do love it, and have it going all day long.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yep, it’s quite the all-purpose therapy of choice for me, too.

  9. Linda W.

    Such great news, Laura!!! I’m celebrating in my little corner of the world! What a relief!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Speaking of celebrating in your little corner, how about joining me in a ‘happy’ dance? (hee-hee since you mentioned dancing in your current post!)

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