The road ends, but the journey continues...

on a winter's eve – Poem

on a winter’s eve

~ laura bruno lilly 2018 ~

Dimmed screen in a darkened room

Outside bright of snow

in the midst of unlikely places

Silenced city-cycles still the moment

Outside bright of snow

on a winter’s eve


  1. Crystal and Daisy Mae

    Nice winter poem. Shared on LinkedIn. Happy 2018

  2. Andrea Stephenson

    Beautiful, still, expectant – I love ‘silenced city-cycles still the moment’.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you for your kind comment, Andrea.

  3. Anna Scott Graham

    Heartwarming, and hopefully toe-warming too!

    • laura bruno lilly


  4. Jennie Fitzkee

    So lovely, Laura!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Jennie!

  5. Andy

    Great imagery and ‘feel’.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank-you, Andy.

  6. Lillian Batarseh

    Wow, Laura, you are already waxing poetic in the new year. You go girl!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for the encouragement, Lillian – hope your poetic muse is kindled, also.
      The chilly wintry evenings are very enabling! HA!

  7. Lisa


    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Lisa, enjoy your weekend in CO-coziness!
      (Feels like winter here, for a little bit at least – but I sympathize with the locals anxiety on coping!)

  8. Jill Weatherholt

    This is so beautiful, Laura! Exactly what I needed after a crazy and very long day. Happy Weekend!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Sooo glad it ministered to you! Enjoy the stillness of the city in the midst of our southern winter’s eve!
      take care

  9. Cindy


    • laura bruno lilly

      🙂 back atchya!

  10. Janis


  11. L. Marie

    That’s lovely, Laura! Love the stillness. Nicely done!
    So cold here! We’re back to a one-degree temp. Sigh.

    • laura bruno lilly

      It’s a big step going from low double digits to single digits…too close to the minuses…stay warm!

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