The road ends, but the journey continues...

Summer of Dad

Technically, summer as a season is defined as being from June 1st through August 31st.  Or in holiday terms, Memorial Day kicks off the start of summer while Labor Day marks the end of those carefree days.

I decided to define this summer as beginning April 22nd when Dad went into hospice care, and ending September 17th when my regularly scheduled visits will most probably cease (the key term here being: regularly scheduled).

On all fronts, this Summer of Dad has been cathartic, healing and fun.

On all fronts, this Summer of Dad is nearing its end.

note: the day before I was slated to return to SC from my third ‘scheduled’ visit with Dad in CO, he suffered a mini-stroke causing a paradigm shift in his state of decline. This piece was written several weeks ago and was to be pubbed sooner, but internet issues prevented that from occurring.  I think it still speaks a gentle message so I am passing it on while I have a snippet of secure internet access.


  1. Janis

    I know it’s so very hard, but also such a blessing to be able to go through this with your dad. I miss my father every day and am so grateful that I was able to be by his side as he declined and needed me to do more and more for him. I considered it an honor, as I’m sure you do to.

    • laura bruno lilly

      You have said it well. Spoken from one who has traveled this ‘Dad’ path before myself.

  2. Lulu

    You, your dad, and your family are in my thoughts, my heart, and my prayers. Your sharing of such a private and personal journey is a beautiful blessing. Thank you.

    • laura bruno lilly

      I am touched, LuLu…

  3. Linda W.

    Oh Laura. I’m praying for your family. So sorry about your dad’s stroke. Praying for strength for you and your family.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Linda…

  4. Anna Scott Graham

    Thank you for this, for many reasons, mostly in knowing what to pray for you and your family. May this summer of Dad return in kind spirit and much love whenever you need it. Thinking of you all….

    • laura bruno lilly


  5. Jane Chesebrough

    Prayers sent your way…

    • laura bruno lilly

      Needed and received, thank you.

  6. Jennie Fitzkee

    Lovely post, Laura!

    • laura bruno lilly

      I’m glad it communicated its intended message.
      Thank you for commenting and did you notice? Your comment didn’t get stuck in my spam file…

  7. Bob

    Good to hear from you and wishing you and your family peace.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Bob…stay well.

  8. Lisa

    As always Laura, thinking of you, your family and your Dad.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Lisa…will probably see you as the weeks unfold.

  9. Booker

    Peace to you and your entire family during this time of transition. So glad you are able to be with your Dad during this time.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you for thinking of me/us, Booker. Yes, it’s been a blessing to be able to go through this Summer of Dad….

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