…my Swimming with Swans: The Music – Goat Suite (Saga) release is on the horizon!
As many of you know, getting my Swimming with Swans: The Music – Goat Suite (Saga) recorded, mixed and mastered with accompanying artwork and copy text for both physical and digital product has been a ‘Saga’ in and of itself. It’s been an ordeal, but worth every ounce of effort!
So, it is with immense pleasure I make this announcement:
My CDs are in the snail mail as of this writing. Physical product is on its way.
I’m thrilled, ecstatic and over-the-top elated. I want to savor this moment before taking a big breath to continue along the actual music release journey.
Please click on the link and join me in viewing this cool 3D rendering of my CD packaging.
this link has since timed out. But it was very cool when it was in operation!
Click here for cool 3D rendering of CD
Perhaps you’ve known other creative (he)artists who seem prolific in their body of work output because they just have a knack for effortlessly releasing it out into the public realm. Perhaps you have a perception that once a piece of music is finished (all the hard work and fun creative aspects of being a musician culminating in a completed form) all that’s left is to announce it to the world by slapping it up on Spotify or YouTube or even passing on the MP3s via email.
Not true.
At least for me.
I have no illusions of being anyone great or super-starish in my music, but I do want to make its presence count. On my terms. In a manner I feel is of worth to those in my ‘world’ who have been waiting with me for this upcoming moment of formal release. And perhaps exposing those outside my ‘world’ to something different and worthy of their consideration. To that end, utilizing media outlets such as Spotify, YouTube and BandCamp are key factors – but need to be mindfully applied.
Similarly, I need to curb my personal enthusiasm and desire to share an MP3 too early or prematurely in the process.
That said, there are still a few behind-the-scenes aspects I’m completing before the time is ripe to formally release my GS(S).
I’ll keep you posted.
Once a formal music release date has been finalized, you’ll be one of the first to know.
And then we can go from there – within reach of that horizon!