The road ends, but the journey continues...

Up a Creek without Secure Internet Access

I know, I know, it’s been a little over two weeks since my last posting.  And I admit my silence was intentional for the first three days of that space of time. Since I usually manage a once-a-week blog post frequency, I figured I had a four day window left in which to post. No problem.
Besides, I had more pressing things to attend to like prepping for an extended visit with my dad.
Around the time I was scheduled to go into the recording studio, my 93 year old dad experienced some significant changes with his health, prompting his doctor to recommend hospice care as part of his treatment plan. Dad’s a professional musician (Jazzman) so I felt like he’d understand the need to continue with the first of my SwS project recording sessions before planning to make the trek to be with him during some of his last days.
When my husband’s dad was in his last year, hubby drove the 10 hours to Las Cruces, NM about every other weekend…sometimes alone, sometimes with me and the kids… just to sit with him.
What a precious slice of life-sharing.
Living a mere 45 minutes from my own parents at that time, I never thought we’d end up 13 years later living 26 hours away from Dad in the latter part of his life. I always thought the caregiving would go differently than it has, but life does not follow a set script.

Me, Dad and Terry Colorado 2016

Me, Dad and Terry: we get to be together for a time

My dear husband came up with the idea to drive me out and help set up a home base in Dad’s house, which has been unoccupied for almost three years. My bro got Dad’s Jeep road ready and re-registered so I have a vehicle to use. That way, I am able to drive the 1½ hours to his group home and visit on a regular basis…or just sit with him…
Of course Dad’s house doesn’t have internet. That’s not something a man of his age ever felt the need to procure. While I knew I’d be living for the next five weeks with no easy access internet, it didn’t faze me. I planned on spending some time in local coffee shops, using their internet.  I forgot about the need for secure internet access in order to do anything which required opening up any of my personal accounts such as e-mails or my WordPress dashboard.
Bear Creek Lakewood Colorado 2016

Bear Creek, Lakewood, Colorado (across the street from Ma & Dad’s)

So for the record, I’m not avoiding feeding the blog, responding to comments, continuing personal interactions with my little listers, or answering e-mails. I’m just Up a Creek without Secure Internet Access.


  1. L. Marie

    I was without internet for a while too. Glad you got to spend time with your dad. What a precious, precious time, Laura.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank-you, Linda…still spending time with him till mid-June.

  2. Anna Scott Graham

    Love those photos, and what a blessing to have this time, even if internet is a bit dodgy. No worries here, my friend….

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yes, truly a blessing.

  3. Andy

    So sorry to hear about your Dad. When my Dad passed it caught me totally unawares. Make the most of your time together x

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Andy. We are spending precious moments together – built upon a lifetime of family love and care.

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