The road ends, but the journey continues...

Giving Voice: "Das eigene Haus"

Sarah from Art Expedition

Sarah from Art Expedition

Sarah of Art Expedition graciously gave me permission to post her photo and essay on my Giving Voice series.  We both stand united against the indifference towards those displaced populations within our respective countries (in addition to the wider world scenario) – and do what we can within our (he)art to Give Voice…

Sarah is a German artist and art historian whose creations delight my senses. As a guest artist for The Strix collective, the following is her interpretation of the given theme: ‘authentic’.

“Das eigene Haus” – “Your own Home”
by Sarah

~ Das eigene Haus – Your Own Home; photo by Sarah, street photography Berlin, 2016 ~

~ Das eigene Haus – Your Own Home; photo by Sarah, street photography Berlin, 2016 ~

The meaning of art is slightly different in art than for instance what it means in philosophy. Everything I do is authentic, because it was me who did it. Therefore, all I create is authentic. The photograph I choose for this topic reflects what is, to me, authentic in society nowadays.
I took this photo last summer and it has disturbed me ever since. It shows an impromptu homeless camp under a bridge. The thing is, as sad as it is, that´s not what disturbed me. What did, was the poster that had been recently been added to the wall, although this is a well-known place for the homeless since it´s in good area in the city and thus a bit safer than others.
The poster titles: “Das eigene Haus” – “Your own Home” – an advertisement for an exhibition about housebuilding. I´m still speechless at the thoughtlessness that made those men put it up there… That´s how society is nowadays: the poor and the rich side by side, with the latter mocking the former. That´s what is authentic in society in my mind…
~ Sarah


  1. Lulu

    Thank you for sharing. It’s a good reminder for me to guard my own words and to be attentive to how they land in the hearts of others.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yeah, sometimes we all forget about the power of words…I’ve never quite agreed with that old kid-singsong: ‘sticks and stones…’

  2. Andy

    I guess insensitivity comes from a lack of empathy. God forbid it isn’t deliberate.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Perhaps the poster in this specific instance wasn’t deliberate, but I can think of several scenarios where that lack of empathy erupts into a judgement confrontation which would suggest a definite deliberateness.

  3. Janis

    Unfortunately, being insensitive is a human condition, not one of a specific culture. I would add, though, that the acceptability of insensitive actions is probably more prevalent in some cultures than in others.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Good distinction, Janis.

  4. Jennie Fitzkee

    You are so right! Excellent and important post.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Jennie.

  5. Sarah

    Thank you so much for letting me join your voice and for letting me know that there are many other beautiful souls in this world who actually care and are aware of society´s short-comings, Laura! This means so much to me! 🙂 xxx

    • laura bruno lilly

      You are more than welcome, Sarah!
      Your article highlights an all-too-common insensitivity towards those less fortunate. It is sad, but helpful to give voice to this phenom occurring all over the world, not just in our own countries. You are a precious soul sharing your concerns through your own (he)art and I’m honored to pass it on to my small slice of the world.

  6. L. Marie

    I’m with you, Sarah–speechless at the total lack of compassion. I’m grateful for the compassion you showed by drawing our attention to this.
    Thanks, Laura, for hosting.

    • laura bruno lilly

      I especially appreciated the fact that Sarah’s article highlights insensitivity as being across all cultures, not just our American society. We as Americans sometimes act really ‘Catholic’ (mainstream Americans will not like my association this way, oh well!) and take on uber-guilt thinking only we have the largest population of ‘insensitive’ citizens.

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