The road ends, but the journey continues...

Giving Voice: Spirit of God

Seen on a billboard in the Denver Metro area between Wadsworth & Kipling on I-70W.
Summer, 2018:

“Fear is contagious…so is hope.” 

1977 spring break, hardin montana, laura bruno

Me (Laura Bruno) Spring Break, 1977, Hardin, Montana – photo Terry Friedlander (Griffin)

The above ‘quote’ prompted me to dig out this piece* I had a hand in creating back in the day. Yes, there’s a story behind its creation and yes, it’s a few decades old and yes, the recording is kinda funky…but the point is, it just seems like it’s time to share it with you my readers and little listers…perhaps its message will speak peace & hope to you this day.

Spirit of God (circa 1977)
Bill & Jim Griffin – instrumentals & vocals
Laura Bruno (Lilly)- lyrics & melody

When the Spirit of Truth comes
He will guide you
Can you hear Him calling?

No one knows where the Spirit goes
or how He moves
Can you hear Him calling?

When you’re lonely
and cold inside
Let Him woo you.

Spirit of God
Fall down
Let Your love surround
Show us Your way

Behold the Spirit shall dwell within you
and He will comfort you
Can you hear Him calling?

He now leads into all righteousness
He now convicts the world
Can you hear Him calling?

When you’re walking
and standing tall
Let Him woo you.

Spirit of God
Fall down
Let Your love surround
Show us Your way

When the Spirit of Truth comes
He will guide you
Can you hear Him calling?

No one know where the Spirit goes
or how He moves
Can you hear Him calling?

When you’re lonely
and cold inside
Let Him woo you

Spirit of God
Fall down
Let Your love surround

Show us Your way

Spirit of God

Fall Down

Holy Spirit DoveJohn 16:13

* Thank you, Bill & Jim, for your agreement & support in the posting of our ‘shared’ piece.


  1. Anne Leueen

    Hope! Much needed and it is a wonderful idea that it is contagious! We need a pandemic of hope!

    • laura bruno lilly

      You got that right, Anne. Enjoy your R&R in the ‘Old Country’.

  2. Ally Bean

    I’m happy to have found you and your blog. I like the song, lyrics and funky sound. Your pic from years ago made me smile. I so wanted straight hair back then!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for visiting, Ally! And as for the straight hair…I so wanted a bit of ‘body’ to my long stringy hair! 😉

  3. Andy

    I enjoyed that, thanks for sharing.
    Great photo of you, too. I was six then

    • laura bruno lilly

      I always thought of you as being in with the same age group as my ‘baby cousins’.
      Kind of nice, IMHO.
      Thanks for reading/listening, Andy.

  4. Mary

    Reminds me of “Spirit of Life”, one of my favorites from our hymnal.

  5. Janis

    Beautiful song and lovely picture of you. It may have been from long ago but it’s still you.

    • laura bruno lilly

      “…it’s still you.” I like that, thanks, Janis.

  6. Jane Chesebrough

    I enjoyed the message, especially heard in an uplifting way. I like the drawing of the dove, simple and pretty and always nice to see a photo of a fellow blogger.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Ahem, that photo is of your fellow blogger some 41 years ago when that song was created…can’t say as you’d recognize me walking down the streets of Vancouver now using that as a reference! HA!
      So glad you enjoyed that piece, Jane.

  7. L. Marie

    Look at you! Supermodel!
    Great song, Laura!
    We certainly need wisdom and truth these days! I’m grateful for His guidance.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Hardly a supermodel…I wasn’t skinny enough (backlash from Twiggy days in women’s psyche for years evermore)! Plus I was too ‘Earth-Motherish’ and clumsy as a duck.
      Anyway, thanks – that song seems to pass the test on still being relevant in these times. Of course, His Message is relevant for all-time.
      I, too am grateful for His guidance; we have but to ask.

  8. Heather

    Thank you Laura. x And you look so beautiful in this photo. 🙂 xxx

    • laura bruno lilly

      Aw, Heather, you’re too sweet…I was around 22 when that photo was taken…sigh…
      I appreciate you coming over to my site to visit – say hi to Dizzy for me!

  9. Susan Ranscht

    Thank you, Laura.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Sure thing, Sue!

  10. Jill Weatherholt

    This was wonderful, Laura. Thank you so much for sharing that voice with us and that photo…wow! You look stunning!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Aw, gee, the beauty of youth, right?

  11. Lillian Batarseh

    Amen! (Though in the Old Testament “spirit”-ruah-is feminine.)

    • laura bruno lilly

      Madame Lillian: thank you for the rousing support!
      BTW:I think ‘wisdom’ as used in the Proverbs is also designated as being feminine.
      But you know, Bill (of the above co-creators of the piece) went on to become an authority on the Dead Sea scrolls, so he’d probably know!

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