The road ends, but the journey continues...

Giving Voice: The 8th Wonder of The World…

…Stevie Wonder.

On the many wonders of this world…

“There are more than 7 wonders of the world – he (Stevie Wonder) is #8.”

Angelo Roman

Innervisions – Stevie Wonder

One of my favorite albums during my college years (1972-1977). Here’s a studio clip on recording ‘Living for the City’ which is as fresh and (unfortunately) relevant to today’s issues as it was then… all (he)artistically mastered by a master. What follows is the whole song as recorded on Innervisions.

For a touch of relief in this world of many troubles and plenty of social injustices I end this with Stevie’s “Don’t You Worry About A Thing” on this same album, Innervisions.

Thank you, Stevie.


  1. Jane's Heartsong

    I lived in Toronto around that time, got the albums mixed up, I remember the graphics on this album and the songs but my friend gifted me with Songs in the Key of Life and we went o Maple Leaf gardens to see and hear Stevie. That synthesizer made the whole place vibrate! not a bad song on either album.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh wow- hearing/seeing Stevie at that time – so genuine, so raw, so, so, happenin’.

      • Jane's Heartsong

        Saw him twice. First time with the Rolling Stones, then as a headliner.

        • laura bruno lilly

          Very very cool, lady!

  2. Lavinia Ross

    I remember his music fondly> Thank you, Laura! 🙂

  3. Oh yes I agree!

  4. Jennie

    Such a great song, and perfect for today.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Amen to that, teacher!

      • Jennie


  5. zippyquilts

    Well, that was a fun blast from the past!

    • laura bruno lilly

      I’m all for fun! With a bit of social statement thrown in for good measure.

  6. Marty

    Definitely someone for whom I never hit the “skip” button when he plays on my phone. I love that album so much. Another treasure is The Secret Life of Plants.

  7. rl2b2017

    Hi Laura! Don’t You Worry ’bout a Thing has a definition Latin-flavor to it. It makes me want to cha-cha right here in the office. It’s a beautiful sunny day and dancing should be encouraged – and who doesn’t like a good Stevie Wonder song?!! Thanks for sharing! Imagine some wonderful Latin dancing happening . . . right here in Glencoe, Illinois. ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      HaHa! Good for the imagination, that’s for sure! Have a great weekend, Roseanne.

  8. marissthequilter

    Thanks for the wonder-ful interlude. Have also enjoyed looking at the graphics on the Inversion cover. (Do you remember that pop song with the lyrics “don’t worry, be happy”?)

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh Mariss, you just couldn’t hold back the musical play on Stevie’s name! HA! Yeah, I remember that other song – believe it or not at the time my youngest Uncle who is now in his 90’s loved that Bob Marley song and would hum it whenever anyone was out of sorts!

  9. Andy

    A true artist, (he)artist as you out it. Though I’ve never listened to that full album. I’ll remedy that soon.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Let me know what you think, Andy.

  10. Laura

    Thank you for taking me down memory lane, Laura! Sweet little tribute to Stevie Wonder! 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh, so you’re old enough to remember it first hand…Wow!

      • Laura

        Snort! Ha, ha! I am older than dirt! 🙂 I stopped dyeing my hair, so it is no secret anymore! 🙂

        • laura bruno lilly

          Funny side effect of the Pandemic, eh? 🙂

  11. Frank @ Beach Walk Reflections

    Stevie Wonder if wonderful! Thanks for the trip back in musical time. Then again, his music is timeless.

    • laura bruno lilly

      You’re right about that, Frank. Enjoy your weekend.

      • Laura

        I should have taken my cue from Frank…music is timeless…then you wouldn’t know that I was older than dirt. Ha, ha!

        • laura bruno lilly

          Frank is a sneaky one, that’s for sure!

  12. Chela's Colchas y Mas

    This took me back tin time in a wonderful way. Thank you. I have been dancing to “Don’t You Worry About a Thing.”

    • laura bruno lilly

      Such a sweet release, eh? Dance on, girl!

  13. Ally Bean

    He lives up to his name, doesn’t he? His music does a soul good.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Who says social statement music can’t be toe-tapping?!

  14. Janis @

    Love him! What a talent. Thanks for the link to his music.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Somehow I knew you’d be a fan!

  15. petespringerauthor

    He had a nice run. 1977 was the year I graduated from high school. I was looking back and saw that he had two albums come out in 1995 and only one since then in 2005.

    • laura bruno lilly

      A true working musician his whole life – I see he’s 71 this month.

  16. piecefulwendy

    Good music speaks to the soul. I haven’t heard these two songs in ages. Thanks for sharing – a fun walk down memory lane!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Happy to oblige, Wendy.

  17. L. Marie

    That is still one of my older brother’s favorite albums. He used to play it constantly back in the day.

    We so need God.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yay for your older bro…I feel a kinship already.
      ‘We so need God.’ Lord, hear our prayer.

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