The road ends, but the journey continues...

Quote – On Sorrow, by myself

Been a bit under the weather lately.
As I ‘get better’, I find myself perusing all sorts of Youtube tutorials on my fav sidekick instrument – the UKE. And am having fun exploring musical paths yet uncharted.
I’ve been immersed in musical possibilities and realized that that door had been closed and re-opened without my even realizing it had been closed.
Which brings me back to when Ma passed away.
Ma was an artist…
One day, about 18 months after her death, I woke up and could see color again. I hadn’t even realized it was gone until I got it back again…
Same with the music after Dad’s passing.
Oh yes, I worked diligently on getting already composed pieces recorded, but nothing new was ventured. I hadn’t even realized the music had been silenced until it was reawakened.
It seems I’ve emerged onto the other side.
Praise be to the Lord.

On Sorrow
laura bruno lilly 7/2016

A place where there is

no color in the wind
music in the sky


  1. Deborah Brasket

    I love what you say about being able to see color again, and hearing music, and being open to new musical possibilities. So strange to be awakened to the fact that doors we hadn’t even realized were closed are now open again. Your mother and father are part of that, part of your artistry, your music, your ability to see and hear new things. What a wonderful thing that is. Life is so full of mystery and beauty, and even sorrow can become an open door to something amazing. Praise to the Lord, indeed.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Yes, Deborah, I knew you’d understand.

  2. Anna Scott Graham

    Praise Him for your returning health, for your music, for continuation. Thinking of you as I drink my morning joe…. 😉

    • laura bruno lilly


  3. Andy

    May your face be always refreshed by the blaze of the breeze
    and your feet dance to the overhead currents.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Andy.

  4. Jennie Fitzkee

    Wonderful, Laura!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, teacher.

  5. Jill Weatherholt

    Your poem is beautiful, Laura. I’m happy to hear you’ve made it to the other side. My prayers are with you. Take care of yourself. xo

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Jill. My prayers are also with you in these, your caregiving times with aging beloved parents.

  6. Andrea Stephenson

    I’m so glad that the door has opened Laura. You remind me of when my mother was terminally ill and I began painting but only in black and white – after she’d gone I began to start painting in colour.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Our (he)art expresses itself no matter the circumstances; both balm and mirror – as you experienced so vividly.

  7. Sue

    Well said, Laura. it does seem that only time can unwrap sorrow’s invisible shroud from around the heart so that the soul can see and hear again;

    • laura bruno lilly

      It is indeed invisible…didn’t realize it was still a part of me until it was lifted.

  8. L. Marie

    Laura, I’m sending you a cyber hug. Grief is so hard. As you so aptly put it, color goes when grief is near.
    I’m glad you’re feeling better. Praying for your complete recover and continued renewed zeal for your project.
    You are loved!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Mmmmm, cyber bear hug back, Linda.
      (stay warm!)

  9. Janis

    We all must find our own path through sorrow and loss. It’s good to know that you’ve made it to the other side.

    • laura bruno lilly

      You’re right, there is no ‘one size fits all path.’

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