The road ends, but the journey continues...

Tag: blogging (Page 8 of 10)

Day One: Goofy Three Quotes – Three Days

I was recently nominated for the 3 Quotes/3 Days challenge, again.  And I accepted because I really enjoy putting my quotes out there…(My first challenge included these as my selections: first, second, third).
This time I decided to spin the challenge using goofy, non-social statement type quotes.  Perhaps they will give you a respite from the ever present more serious issues surrounding us.

The rules of the challenge are:

1) Thank the person who nominated you.
2) Post a quote each day for 3 days.
3) Each day nominate 3 new bloggers to take part.

Thank-you to LuLu (we share Laura as our first name!) for the nomination. Click your way to her blog and you’ll find a deep, compassionate young woman writing through her own trials and triumphs with a heart for touching others and a gift of words.
LuLu, I hope you’ll not be too disappointed in my goofy, non-wise/non-insightful selections…(RE: “You have such a wonderful perspective and wise insight.” LuLu)

Here then is my Day One Goofy Quote – These minion guys always make me smile…notice the word coffee on the mug is in, what, mirror writing?

minions coffee quote

 My three nominees for Day One are:
– Janis at Retirementally Challenged
Anna Scott Graham
Hilary Clark, Quilt Artist

Groggy Bye-Bye to 2015

I’ve been wanting to write an appropriate post for the end of 2015. Nothing has come to me. Partly due to the fact of being in the throes of a big cold/flu episode. Partly due to the fact of just not being able to face the blank page. I keep trying to get something written to post before this self-important/imposed deadline, but most of what is started is blithery and blathery…yet the urge is insistent: tie up loose ends!

Where to start? Continue reading

find the flaw in the fabric

Havin’ a great time with my guys hangin’ around…It’s a funny thing, I’ve gotten a lot of stuff done even with the extra re-focus on providing regularly scheduled and substantial meals.
I’ve found snippets of quality time between meal prep to tweek grant wording and mull over certain sections yet to be written. My days are peppered with long walks with my son, engaging in family banter, and havin’ a great time with my hubby and son hangin’ around…

About ‘find the flaw in the fabric’: Yep, it’s another blogging placeholder, hope you enjoy it.
During my computer monitor’s time off, I place lengths of fabric over it to make it seem less intrusive in my creative space. Lately, this fabric has been staring me in the face. It seems fitting as it represents shared family memories of when us 7 (Ma & Dad, me & hubby and our 3 kiddos) toodled around London, Paris, Rome, with a spattering of New York thrown in for good measure. And then it dawned on me: there’s a flaw in the content of the fabric picture…can you find it? Please let me know in the comment section below…

london, paris, rome, (new york) fabric

yeah, it’s out of focus…your phone camera is better than my old digital…but the flaw is easily seen regardless.

find the flaw in the following quote

I am currently enjoying getting ready for our son’s 10 day Thanksgiving Holiday visit starting Monday. Very excited. He’s coming straight from his 2.5 month vacay in the Dominican Republic on his way back home to Colorado, so we’ll have even more catching up to do! I’m also frantically working on a grant that’s due the end of the year to help fund recording expenses of my ‘Swimming with Swans: the music’ …thrilled with the prospect of the assistance, but won’t know if I will be awarded anything until after the New Year. Meanwhile, I will be getting ready for our middle daughter and son-in-law’s visit with us over the Christmas Holidays and hubby’s b-day. They’ll be driving from their new digs in Michigan, so we’re hoping the weather will co-operate and allow us this treat. I love it when things get bunched up because of family gatherings…for me, this is true bliss.

As concerns my blogging frequency: I keep trying to finish several blog posts I’ve got in the queue, but just can’t seem to focus. So, please accept this little quirky, made-up-by-me game “find the flaw in the following quote” as a sort of blogging peace offering and placeholder.   Continue reading


The post following this sticky note, Alice Fulton Quote, Beethoven and My Music seems to have been an unknowing experiment.  The cdbaby songplayer widget I placed at the end of the post functions differently in reality than as a previewed post.
I apologize for that.
Meanwhile, I’m going to wait out a few hours and see if this is more an exception than the rule to using this device.  So that it won’t inconvenience your reading/listening experience of my most recent posting, I offer to you here another means to listen to the single off of unexpected with the most digital listens as referenced in Alice Fulton Quote, Beethoven and My Music.
Here then is Hatikvah.


Happy Blogiversary: Two Years

kitty on guitar
An appropriate photo, wouldn’t you agree?  What with this past year filled with kitty stories and increased updates on the musical aspects of my Swimming with Swans project…
Instead of offering an in depth accounting and review of the past year’s blogging like I did for my first blogiversary, I will merely touch upon a few points. Then proceed to list a few favorite posts from this past year.Laughter-1
One of the goals for this second year was to plunge ahead into more techie territory …didn’t happen.
Never figured out that clone site which means I never did update my WP template and plugins.  Oh well.
But I do still see the need to freshen up my static pages and will try to do so here in year three.  Especially as my Swimming with Swans project begins to emerge, this prep will be beneficial on many levels. Continue reading

Trying out a re-blog

As a user, re-blogging an article from another WP site is not an easy task.  I decided to try my hand at it this time around just because…
According to the WP stats on my Jetpack, the article Veteran Homelessness Hits Zero In Las Cruces  has been successfully re-blogged on my site.
If this experiment does not work, please take a look at the article directly by clicking on the above link. Or here
As most of you know, this is something near and dear to my heart.  It is even more meaningful as Las Cruces, NM is hubby’s hometown and where The Goat Suite Saga was born.

3 Quotes, 3 Days – the third

“Music is a place” Philip Glass

NASA The Carina Nebula

The Carina Nebula (photo credit: NASA Hubble Heritage Team)

I’ve been nominated by Geralyn of Where My Feet Are to take part in the 3 days, 3 quotes challenge. This is my first ever nomination for anything ‘blog’ related, so I’m tickled pink to participate. Thank you Geralyn!
I thought it appropriate to end the official ‘3 days, 3 quotes’ challenge with this gem from a favorite 20th/21st century composer. Short and to the point, consider it my way of saying: If you visit my site and find I’ve been absent for awhile, you’ll know where I’ve gone!

The rules of the challenge are:
1) Thank the person who nominated you.
2) Post a quote each day for 3 days.
3) Each day nominate 3 new bloggers to take part.
My nominees are:
Liz Fountain
(Hope you can participate but no worries if you can’t)

3 Quotes, 3 Days – the second

Peace Be To This HousePeace be to this house – Luke 10:5

I’ve been nominated by Geralyn of Where My Feet Are to take part in the 3 days, 3 quotes challenge. This is my first ever nomination for anything ‘blog’ related, so I’m tickled pink to participate. Thank you Geralyn!
The above quote was the inspiration for a friendship/housewarming quilt I created in collaboration with friends and family to celebrate moving into our new (at the time) home just spitting distance from our previous home.  It now hangs on the wall beside our bed in our little rental house very far away from both homes as a warm reminder of those special times and people.
The rules of the challenge are:
1) Thank the person who nominated you.
2) Post a quote each day for 3 days.
3) Each day nominate 3 new bloggers to take part.
My nominees are:
(Hope you can participate but no worries if you can’t)

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