The road ends, but the journey continues...

Tag: coffee & chocolate (Page 3 of 4)


Been up and down with that lousy respiratory bug for the past four weeks…Hubby, too…Been unable to taste or smell for at least the last two weeks (well really only ten days and counting but still)…Hubby has his back…Been on a self-imposed coffee fast because I can’t taste it so why bother?…Hubby doesn’t get the coffee thing…Gettin’ kinda cranky…

Okay, so maybe I’m going through a good healthy coffee purge/cleansing – Sooooo: should I still pick up that first cuppa once I get my taste buds back?

You betcha!

I Miss My Coffee!!!!

coffee design

I’m going psychedelic-crazy without my hot-shot brew

Go here for my new fav coffeeshop blog.
Go and here & here to more fully my relationship with the stuff (be sure to scroll down to the bottom of that second post to get the fairytale true story).

The Liebster: my very first blogging award!

In my over 3 years of blogging, I have never, ever, been nominated for any type of ‘blogging’ award. I figured because I am (self-hosted) rather than (WP hosted) that my chances for those sorts of things were stacked against me. So be it.
Well, that all changed during my Summer of Dad time away from regular secure internet access.  LuLu from The Real Adventures of Becoming (whatever this thing is that I am presuming is the authentic and genuine) Me nominated me a few weeks ago for the Liebster Award. She is a gentle soul with a writing style that is deep and pure. Thanks for thinking of me, LuLu!

Liebster Award

My very first blog award!

Continue reading

Coffee Question

inigo montoya coffee photoSo, is coffee really coffee if it’s Decaf?
That’s the question I pose to you, my readers, especially those of the coffee-persuasion.
I tend to lean towards the NO side of this debate. Afterall, one does not find decaf beans growing on coffee bushes, waiting to be harvested.
Just sayin’…

(read my ‘Goat-Joe Love & Laura’s Sumatra’ posts, part 1 & part 2, for fun info on this subject)

Day One: Goofy Three Quotes – Three Days

I was recently nominated for the 3 Quotes/3 Days challenge, again.  And I accepted because I really enjoy putting my quotes out there…(My first challenge included these as my selections: first, second, third).
This time I decided to spin the challenge using goofy, non-social statement type quotes.  Perhaps they will give you a respite from the ever present more serious issues surrounding us.

The rules of the challenge are:

1) Thank the person who nominated you.
2) Post a quote each day for 3 days.
3) Each day nominate 3 new bloggers to take part.

Thank-you to LuLu (we share Laura as our first name!) for the nomination. Click your way to her blog and you’ll find a deep, compassionate young woman writing through her own trials and triumphs with a heart for touching others and a gift of words.
LuLu, I hope you’ll not be too disappointed in my goofy, non-wise/non-insightful selections…(RE: “You have such a wonderful perspective and wise insight.” LuLu)

Here then is my Day One Goofy Quote – These minion guys always make me smile…notice the word coffee on the mug is in, what, mirror writing?

minions coffee quote

 My three nominees for Day One are:
– Janis at Retirementally Challenged
Anna Scott Graham
Hilary Clark, Quilt Artist

Strings, Strength and Soup

Well, I hit a wall on my grant progress shortly after our son left on Wednesday.
The energy of juggling regular meals, avoiding each other’s space when all three of us (both hubby and son are over 6 feet tall, so figure three adult bodies) were camped-out inside our homey 1100 square foot rental, balancing rest and relaxation with a few jaunts here and there, and just the comfy, constant companionship of each other’s company must have triggered my resolve to focus on the grant regardless by squeezing in very productive ‘me times’.  (Now how’s that for a sentence?)
I admit, I panicked.  After all, my goal is to have all but the Budget Section finished sometime within the first full week of December – which is right around this weekend’s corner. Yikes. So what did I do to allay that panic?

Took a walk. No good.
Took a shower. No good.

Cleaned up the kitchen. No good.
Cleared out the leftovers in the fridge. No good.

Stayed up all night staring at the computer monitor hoping the words would come. No good.
Downed two, yes, two, pots of coffee in the hopes that would help the above. No good.

Then it hit me…It’s all about the music.

I picked up the Prisloe and began playing.  Way good. Continue reading

find the flaw in the following quote

I am currently enjoying getting ready for our son’s 10 day Thanksgiving Holiday visit starting Monday. Very excited. He’s coming straight from his 2.5 month vacay in the Dominican Republic on his way back home to Colorado, so we’ll have even more catching up to do! I’m also frantically working on a grant that’s due the end of the year to help fund recording expenses of my ‘Swimming with Swans: the music’ …thrilled with the prospect of the assistance, but won’t know if I will be awarded anything until after the New Year. Meanwhile, I will be getting ready for our middle daughter and son-in-law’s visit with us over the Christmas Holidays and hubby’s b-day. They’ll be driving from their new digs in Michigan, so we’re hoping the weather will co-operate and allow us this treat. I love it when things get bunched up because of family gatherings…for me, this is true bliss.

As concerns my blogging frequency: I keep trying to finish several blog posts I’ve got in the queue, but just can’t seem to focus. So, please accept this little quirky, made-up-by-me game “find the flaw in the following quote” as a sort of blogging peace offering and placeholder.   Continue reading

Happy National Coffee Day (snafu)

one tree equals one pound coffee

one tree equals one pound coffee

Today was National Coffee Day.  Need I say more?  Well, yes, maybe. Fully intending on taking advantage of such an excuse to abuse my coffee drinking rights, I brewed a luscious pot of Sumatra with crushed cardamom seeds.  Savoring each sip (gulp?) between bites of leftover homemade cannoli from a dinner made for hubby’s cubie and wife last Friday, I was in bean-heaven.  The pot emptied sooner than later, so I unplugged it and pondered just when to start up a new brew.
Meanwhile, that half cup of java left in my cup got stone cold.
“Aha! I will be discreet and only micro-zap the remains of that last drop of coffee. No need to brew up a whole second pot of coffee in honor of the day.”
Placing the cup inside the microwave, I zapped it.  Not the best of flavor, but a great healthful compromise to imbibing on another full pot of the stuff.
“Ah, well, not the tastiest, but here’s to the Day!”
I was quite proud of myself for sacrificing flavor in the name of restraint.
When I picked up the cup to pour out its remaining contents, I noticed an oddly shaped black bumpy thing on the bottom.  Upon closer inspection, it was the waterlogged body of a pesky fly that had been dominating our kitchen environment for the past few days.
Oh, geez…I drank stewed sumatra fly-juice…

Happy National Coffee Day!

Note: If you’d like to see my favorite previously pubbed coffee posts, click here, and here. Or, just scroll down and read them as limited time sticky-noted posts.

The Lady of Arles (Poem)

The Lady of Arles

The Lady of Arles

Echoes of Edith
Chanteuse of a certain age.
Je ne regrette rien
Forty years from Barcelona
Playing her life in Arles.
No regrets. No regrets at all.
note: my sister-friend Susan and her husband are playing gypsies traipsing throughout Spain and southern France this month. She keeps my e-mail inbox filled with wordy treats describing eats and events of their day, including occasional photos that wow my (he)artistically starved eyes.  This photo is posted here with her permission.

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