The road ends, but the journey continues...

The Eclectic Blogger Award

Sometime In July, writer Sue Ranscht of Space, Time and Raspberries nominated me for the Eclectic Blogger Award. She’s the creator of the serial fiction series, Elliot’s Adventures. I’ve enjoyed reading these stories and heartily recommend them to readers of this post.
Started by The Shameful Narcissist, the Eclectic Blogger Award
The Eclectic Blogger Award  “…is presented to those blogs that are both eclectic and engaging, where conversation flows freely, where new and different ideas are always welcome. It’s to recognize blogs that always have interesting content to match the amazing, creative, and hard-working creators that make them possible. These are the blogs that inspire you to read, watch, play, and/or create content to further enhance not only the blogosphere but also the general zeitgeist, because they themselves enrich it with their existence.”
The Rules

  • Nominate whomever and however many bloggers you want for the award.
  • Share links from your blog for some of your favorite (or most eclectic!) posts.
  • Laura’s addendum: I am including links to some of my favorite posts on these nominees’ blogs.

My Nominations

  1. Jennie Fitzkee of A Teacher’s Reflections.  A life-long learner herself, Jennie encourages, engages and enables students both young and old to learn about this great big world we all share and call home.
    Fav Posts – here, here, here, here, here.
  2. Deborah J. Brasket of Living on the Edge of Wild.  Deborah combines multiple facets of the creative world – poetry, artwork, thought provoking prose, music – offering readers beautiful (he)artistic posts, often tinged with philosophic applications.
    Fav Posts – here, here, here, here.
  3. L. Marie of El Space – The Blog of L. Marie.  L.Marie’s generous and fun-loving spirit glows throughout her blog. An accomplished author herself, she regularly interviews writers about their current work, giving them a platform to reach a larger audience.
    Fav Posts – here, here, here.
  4. Heather and Dizzy of Dinosaurs, Donkeys and MS  Heather (with a little help from Dizzy) shares gentle yet powerful insights of her life’s experiences as an individual with MS in a variety of formats.
    Fav Posts – here, here, here.And a special info-video by Dizzy:

Thank you to Sue, Jennie, Deborah, L.Marie, Heather and Dizzy for making the blogosphere a better, kinder place.


  1. tierneycreates

    Congrats on the nomination! 🙂

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Tierney!
      BTW: love those tango stripes!

  2. Andy

    Thanks for the recommendations-always gold to discover other great blogs.

    • Andy

      I meant always good-but gold seems rather apt!

      • laura bruno lilly

        Aha, I figured you being the poet, used a great word in choosing ‘gold’ over ‘good’. The creative mind never ceases to amaze me!

    • laura bruno lilly

      You’re welcome!

  3. Heather

    Congratulations Laura! What a wonderful award to be nominated for, and one you definitely deserve. 🙂 Your blog is amazing. xx And thank you so much for the nomination, and for sharing Dizzy’s little video. 🙂 We really appreciate it. xxx

    • laura bruno lilly

      Dizzy’s vid helps to spread greater awareness on a topic many haven’t a clue about.
      Take care, dear one.

  4. Susan Ranscht

    Adding some of your favorite posts from your nominees’ blogs is a beautiful reflection of your heart, Laura. I love that about you. <3

    • laura bruno lilly

      How sweet of you to say, Sue.
      ps- wondering how Elliot’s faring lately?

  5. Sue Battista


  6. Mary

    Nice post! Thanks for the recommendations

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks! You might be interested in Jennie’s posts on the making and traveling to exhibitions of her classroom’s Peace Quilt.

  7. L. Marie

    And I see that the rest of my comment didn’t go through. If it does, consider this a double. I mentioned that I’m glad you were nominated by Sue, who showed good taste in doing so. I’m grateful to have met you through your blog. I keep listening to “You Got To Run (Spirit of the Wind)” because of one of your posts.

    • laura bruno lilly

      ‘Blush and Smile’ back atchya!

  8. L. Marie

    Oh, Laura! I’m grateful to be among such illustrious company. If it’s okay, I’ll just blush and smile here for now.

    • laura bruno lilly

      I guess I forgot to add that’s it’s a-okay to not ‘participate’. For myself, that’s a given!

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