The road ends, but the journey continues...


It’s been three weeks since my last ToDoTuesday post. Here’s the latest.

(A Reminder of) My goals for the week of September 24th through October 1th:

  • Add sequin detail to PF eye done, sign/sew quilt label done
  • Work on post about music score edit process in progress
  • Get ready for out-of-town trip! done and back!

My PFWHK handmade label amidst a flock of PF's.

My PFWHK handmade label amidst a flock of PF’s.

All things must come to an end. In this case it is all things Pink Flamingo. The PFWHK is done and done! I am very tempted to hang her up facing the wall to show off the backing fabric and my snazzy label. But she has her eye on me…no can do. HA!
PF sequin eye detail

PF sequin eye detail

Our out-of-town trip was action packed. Not so much sight seeing as visiting family and investigating areas for us to relocate. More on that in a later post. Meanwhile, here are some family photos.
The Guys: my cousin Kayden (Gail's son), my hubby Terry, Uncle Dennis (my Dad's younger brother)

The Guys: my cousin Kayden (Gail’s son), my hubby Terry, Uncle Dennis (my Dad’s younger brother)

The Gals: Aunt Adua, me, my cousin Gail

The Gals: Aunt Adua, me, my cousin Gail

As for that music score edit process post? It’s definitely in the works  DONE. To catch a glimpse of the beginning of the process involved, take a look at this post I wrote in 2015. Yikes, has it really been that long ago I started entering my hand scored compositions onto NOTION?
While not mentioned on the goals listed above, the number of actual score edits becoming “Final Finals” now total 6 pieces. Including the Mo Giolla Mear piece featured in the 2015 blog post. This is a big leap in the completion of that portion of my Swimming with Swans:the music project and is worth noting.


My creativity trinity* is as follows: fiber artMUSICwriting. Each is intertwined with the other, offering needful respites between projects which in turn aid in the completion of various Works-In-Progress as new perspectives appear from such respites. Ultimately, it’s all about the music but tracking fiber art Works-In-Progress is lots easier to communicate in such a setting as this – hence the linky-party connection.

* a term I recently invented


  1. Jennie L Fitzkee

    The pink flamingo is fabulous! Very impressive, Laura. Love the family photos.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Millie would know this was a ‘kit’ with my own extras added…so no need to be impressed! HA!

  2. Mary

    I love your Pink Flamingo quilt. And the back is so special with more pink flamingos and your custom label. Take care, Mary.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Mary. Hope your weekend is filled with quilty delights.

  3. Annika Perry

    Laura, I like your newly invented term ‘creativity trinity’!

    • laura bruno lilly

      HA! Yep, it’s a keeper. Perhaps it’s piqued your mind into thinking about what comprises your own ‘creativity trinity’?

  4. Yvonne

    Your quilt was lovely in all the progress pictures and even more so now it’s complete! Job well done! WTG on your list too!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, Yvonne. A finish always feels great!

  5. Roseanne

    Happy Happy Birthday, Laura! I hope you have a fabulous day. ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      How did you know???!
      Oh yeah, I must have revealed the date in some seemingly insignificant passing comment. You clever lady, you!
      Thanks, Roseanne.

  6. Catherine de Seton

    sounds like interesting adventure/journey along with new pathway is on the cards…but first fix some of those “list items” so that you can enjoy your new start…

    • laura bruno lilly

      You’re right about that!

  7. Brigid Gallagher

    What a beautiful quilt Laura. Such a joyful subject. Glad you are on track with all your goals. Well done.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thank you, Brigid. Yes, the PF brought some fun to this week!

  8. Laura

    The pink flamingo is adorable! What’s the use in being pink if you can’t be a show-off! Put this bird front and center!
    Visiting family is wonderful and special! I wish I could visit mine more! We definitely need to make the most of that precious family time!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Family separated by distance is the hardest IMHO. But at least it’s only a geographic distance and not an emotional one.
      Looks like you had yourself a great vacay (I spy on your blog posts!) Hope the transition back to work wasn’t too bad.

  9. Jill Weatherholt

    Wow! You are so talented, Laura. That quilt is absolutely gorgeous! Love the label, too!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Awww, gee, Jill…thanks!

  10. Janis

    Love that quilt! Btw, I read somewhere (it was on the internet so it has to be true, right?) that a flock of flamingo was a “flamboyance.” Official term or not, I think that is a perfect description.
    I’m looking forward to learning more about your relocation project. We’ve thought about that too now-and-then. So far SoCal weather has kept us in place.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Oh flamboyance is so perfect, Janis.

      • Catherine de Seton

        love that work in relationship to the birds…

        • laura bruno lilly

          Thank you, Catherine.

  11. Diann Bottrell

    Your pink flamingo is great – I love the label! Sounds like you had a good trip, always nice to spend time with family. Have a great week!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks for chiming in, Diann. Hope you have a great rest of the week, too.

  12. Jane Chesebrough

    I like the backing, too, on the flamingo piece. No harm in reversing the images once in a while. When your friends visit, see if they notice the difference. I desperately need a list in order to stay on track and get things done, and especially like putting a check mark , or a line through the listed items that I have accomplished. I am curious about where you choose to relocate to and observations about the geographical differences between “here and there” as well as the process in your music. Thanks for sharing images of your family, always good to visit with our families when we don’t see them often due to lengthy distance.

    • laura bruno lilly

      Well, I am a ‘list person’ from way back!
      I like your idea about seeing if anyone notices a reverse on the quilt display – HA!

  13. Roseanne

    Hi Laura! Yes, your flamingo would certainly give you the stink eye should you turn it toward the wall. But you wouldn’t see it, would you?!! HAHA! You’re the boss of that really, really cute PFWHK. I love the photos you shared as well. No need to wish you safe travels since you are gone and back. I am going to go back and read that 2015 post – seriously, 4 years ago??!! Thanks for linking up today. I always enjoy reading your posts. ~smile~ Roseanne

    • laura bruno lilly

      You’re right! I am the boss, so there!
      Thanks for hosting the linky party, Roseanne.

  14. Ally Bean

    The eye of the flamingo is delightful. I can see why you’ll never turn it away from you. Your trinity inspires me as usual.
    I look forward to learning more about your process [and decision?] about where you might relocate to. We went through that very thing decades ago– and ultimately made a good choice. But oh what a thing to contemplate

    • laura bruno lilly

      Blessings as you pursue your own personal trinity.

  15. Mariss Stevens

    That backing fabric and label are sensational LBL. Strength for the last of the final finals of your composition. Nice to “meet” some of your family

    • laura bruno lilly

      The restrictions of the Kit helped to be the constant during my experiments (ie-double batting, using special thinner weight bobbin thread, etc) But man, it was good to let loose with that label!

  16. L. Marie

    What a gorgeous quilt! That is indeed a snazzy label, Laura! And great seeing your family photos! Congrats on the big leap toward the finish of Swimming with Swans!

    • laura bruno lilly

      Thanks, L.Marie. How’s the YA novel going?

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